As trocas culturais e artísticas entre as diferentes regiões do Império Romano foram influenciadas por questões como a política, o comércio ou a expansão territorial. O reflexo desse processo encontra-se bem visível nos temas e composições dos mosaicos romanos que atualmente conhecemos. O 2.º Colóquio Internacional RoGeMoPorTur propõe uma reflexão sobre esses testemunhos arqueológicos.
09h00 Reception of Participants
09h30 Opening Session
Hugo Pereira, Mayor of Lagos
Anne-Marie Guimier- Sorbets, President of AIEMA
Miguel Pessoa, President of APECMA
José Apolinário, President of CCDRALG
Maria de Jesus Duran Kremer and Mustafa Şahin, RoGeMOPorTur Project
10h30 Inaugural Conference
Catarina Alves, Vanda Gato, Elena Morán, Rui Parreira
Roman Occupation of the Area Around the Bay of Lagos
11h15 Coffee break
11h30 Adriana Nogueira
The Sea in Roman Antiquity: Culture and Mythology
11h45 Giordana Trovabene
The Sea and Its Myths: The Fall of Phaeton and the Upheaval of the Universe in the Mosaic Tale of Bararus-Rougga in Tunisia
12h00 Luz Neira Jiménez
Mythological Representations of Marine Themes in Roman Mosaics
12h15 Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets
Dolphins and Sea Monsters in Mosaics from the Hellenistic to the Imperial Periods:Two Aspects of the Sea, Beneficial and Frightening
12h30 Discussion
13h00 Lunch break
14h30 Derya Şahin, Mustafa Şahin
Sacred Companion Goddesses in the Seas on Anatolian Mosaics
14h45 Amina-Aicha Malek
The Marine Imaginary in Roman North African Mosaics
15h00 Maria de Jesus Duran Kremer
The Sea in the Mosaics of Portugal
15h15 Demetrios Michaelides
Representations of Water on the Mosaics of Cyprus
15h30 Kristina Džin, Vesna Lalošević
Mare Adriaticum Nostrum on the Mosaics of the Istrian Peninsula
15h45 Discussion
16h15 Visit Lagos Museum – Rota da Escravatura (Slavery Route)
17h00 Visit Lagos Museum – Dr. José Formosinho
09h00 João Pedro Bernardes
Marine Themes in Algarve Mosaics: Materials, Techniques and Chronology
09h15 Banu Özdilek, H. Onur Tıbıkoğlu
On the Anatolian Peninsula, on the Shore of Mare Nostrum: Antiokheia Ad Orontem Sea, Fishing, Fish and Maritime Mythology in the Mosaics of Antioch
09h30 Orhan Bingöl
Searching for Charybdis in Mosaics
09h45 Sebastián Vargas Vázquez
Scenes of the Sea in the Roman Mosaics of Baetica: New Developments
10h00 Jorge António
The Marine Fauna of the Frigidarium of Baths II of Abelterium
10h15 Discussion
10h30 Coffee break
11h00 Diego Machado, Francisco Folgueira Ríos
Consumption, Trade, and Habitus in Northwest Hispania: The Mosaics with Maritime Themes of Gallaecia
11h15 Lihi Habas
A Unique Mosaic Workshop at Shiqmona: Masterpieces from the Mediterranean Seashore
11h30 Yaprak Tanrıverdi, Katinka Sewing
A Nilotic Scene in the Apse Mosaic of the Terrace Basilica in Doliche
11h45 Maria de Jesus Duran Kremer
Roman Mosaics of the Area Around the Bay of Lagos
12h00 Discussion
12h30 Lunch break
13h30 Poster Session
14h30 Closing Session
15h00 Visit to Cabo de São Vicente / Fortaleza de Sagres
Vila do Bispo Museum – Celeiro de História
09h00 Departure from Lagos – Paços do Concelho Século XXI
10h00 Visit to the Portimão Museum
11h30 Departure for Cerro da Vila
12h00 Visit of the Roman Villa of Cerro da Vila
13h00 Lunch break
14h00 Departure for Milreu
15h00 Visit of the Roman Villa of Milreu
16h30 Departure for Faro
17h00 Visit to the Faro Museum and the Ocean Mosaic
Return to Lagos